Education Committee
This committee plans, coordinates, and implements the Annual Spring and Fall Meetings, as well as addresses the general educational concerns of the Society (Patient education, CME, Educational workshops, etc.).
Bridget Pulos, MD, FASA
John K. Bohman, MD
Robert Blanco, MD
Iryna Chugaieva, MD
Herodotos Ellinas, MD, FASA
Ilana Fromer, MD
Liliana Goelkel-Garcia, MD
Benjamin Gorbaty, MD
Larry Lindenbaum, MD, FASA
Dan Lotz, MD
Wendy Nguyen, MD
Misty Radosevich, MD, BA
Juan Ripoll Sanz, MD
Mark Rollins, MD, PhD
Ramprasad Sripada, MD
Beth VanderWielen, MD
Elizabeth Vogel, MD, PhD
Wendy Wallskog, MD
Erica Wittwer, MD, PhD
Elena Zupfer, MD