Physicians committed to patient safety and comfort.

2024 Annual Conference

Registration Now Closed - Limited Onsite Registration Available


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Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to join us for this year’s Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists 2024 Annual Conference, held September 28-29, 2024, at the Radisson Blu Mall of America. This year’s theme is, “What’s New in the Subspecialties” and includes many engaging speakers in a variety of learning formats, including lectures, resident oral presentation sessions, problem based learning discussions (PBLDs), and a hands-on workshop.

Saturday’s program will feature talks on quality care, what’s new in obstetric anesthesia, managing perioperative pain, vasodilation treatment and pediatric airway. We’ll wrap up Saturday showcasing our fantastic Minnesota anesthesiology residents at the “Best of MARC” presentation session.

Sunday’s program will follow with talks on transforming OR medication safety and ultrasound equipment. These lectures will be followed by concurrent Problem-Based Learning Discussions and an Ultrasound Workshop.

Our incredible line-up of speakers includes Dr. Annery Garcia-Marcinkiewicz from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. David Auyong from Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, and Dr. Karen Nanji from Massachusetts General Hospital. Both Drs. Garcia-Marcinkiewicz and Nanji will be participating in the PBLD session on pediatrics and anesthesia safety, respectively.

On behalf of the MSA Education Committee and the entire MSA Board of Directors, we invite you to join us and are looking forward to seeing you all in September! To keep effective facilitator-to-participant ratios, our PBLDs and hands-on workshops will have a limited number of participant slots available, so make sure to register early!  

Bridget Pulos, MD, FASA
Chair, MSA Education Committee


Schedule of Events

Saturday, September 28, 2024

7:00-7:25am:              Registration & Breakfast with Exhibitors

7:25-7:30am:              Welcome Remarks
                                             Bridget Pulos, MD
                                             Mayo Clinic, Education Committee Chair

7:30-8:00am:             Vasoactive Medications
                                             Erica Wittwer, MD, PhD
                                             Patrick Wieruszewski, PharmD
                                             Mayo Clinic

8:00-8:30am:              What’s New in OB Anesthesia
                                             Emily Sharpe, MD, FASA
                                             Mayo Clinic

8:30-9:00am:              Evidence to Practice: Developing Clinical Practice Guidelines for 
                                             Managing Perioperative Pain

                                             Bronwyn Southwell, MD

                                             University of Minnesota

9:00-9:30am:              Break with Exhibitors

9:30-10:00am:           Lung Sparing Blocks for Shoulder Surgery: Alternatives to Interscalene
                                             David Auyong, MD
                                             Virginia Mason Medical Center

10:00-10:30am:        Pediatric Airway
                                             Annery Garcia-Marcinkiewicz, MD, MSCE
                                             Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

10:30-11:00am:        Break with Exhibitors

11:00-12:30pm:        Lunch with Moderated Best of MARC Presentations
                                             11:30am: UMN MARC Presentation – Enrique Vergara, MD
                                             11:45am: UMN MARC Presentation – Jessica White, MD
                                             12:00pm: Mayo Clinic MARC Presentation – Stephanie Anaya, MD
                                             12:15pm: Mayo Clinic MARC Presentation – Anuradha Kanaparthi, MD

12:30-1:00pm:        MSA Legislative Update
                                           Dan Pollock
                                           MSA Lobbyist

1:00-1:30pm:           MSA Annual Business Meeting
                                           Adam Amundson, MD, FASA
                                           MSA President
Mayo Clinic

6:15pm:                        Twins vs. Orioles Game at 6:15pm
                                           NO Transportation Provided

Sunday, September 29, 2024

7:15-7:30am:              Registration & Breakfast

7:30-8:00am:              Transforming OR Medication Safety with Clinical Decision Support
                                             Karen Nanji, MD, MPH
                                             Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

8:00-8:30am:              Goal Directed Therapy Algorithm for Complex Surgeries
                                             Chase Sims, III, MD
                                             Mayo Clinic

8:30-9:00am:              Pros and Cons of Various Handheld POCUS Devices
                                             Benjamin Brakke, DO

                                             Mayo Clinic

9:00-9:15am:              Break

9:15-11:15am:           CONCURRENT: Problem Based Learning Discussions
                                             Mark Rollins, MD, PhD

                                             Mayo Clinic

  • Pediatric
    Annery Garcia-Marcinkiewicz, MD
    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Anesthesia Safety
    Karen Nanji, MD, MPH
    Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

                                           CONCURRENT: Regional Anesthesia and Ultrasound Workshop
                                           Roberto Blanco, MD
                                           University of Minnesota

    Sudarshan Setty, BS, MB
    University of Minnesota
  • POCUS Gastric
    Roberto Blanco, MD
    University of Minnesota

11:15am:                   Adjourn


Hotel Information641aceff-bd84-f946-e966-d1e792bd84dc.jpg

Radisson Blu Mall of America
2100 Killebrew Dr, Bloomington, MN

Reservation Deadline:
September 4, 2024

A discounted room rate has been secured at the Radisson Blu Mall of America for the Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th for $179/night. To make your reservation, call 800-333-3333 and book your room under the "MSA 2024 Annual Conference" block.


CME Information

Joint Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and A picture containing drawingDescription automatically generatedimplemented by Amedco LLC and Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists (MSA).  Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. 

Amedco Joint Accreditation #4008163.


Amedco LLC designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.  

Event Details

Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 7:00am
Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 11:15am
Radisson Blu Mall of America
2100 Killebrew Dr
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425
United States


Hotel Block: A discounted room rate has been secured at the Radisson Blu Mall of America for the Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 for $179/night until Wednesday, September 4th. To make your reservation, call 800-333-3333.

Parking: Complimentary self-parking is available in the East and West parking ramps. If you are a registered hotel guest and parking overnight in either ramp, you must bring the make and model of your vehicle, as well as your license plate number, to the hotel front desk upon check-in. The hotel team will inform the Mall of America team of your information. Mall of America’s team will tow cars which are parked overnight in either ramp that have not been registered with the hotel as staying at the hotel on that same night.


MSA Members: $0
WSA (Wisconsin) Members: $0
ISA (Iowa) Members: $0
NDSA (North Dakota): $0
SDA (South Dakota): $0
Non-Members: $450